Friday, 6 June 2008

Why don't we care?

How has it come to this? Daily, almost hourly updates from defined scientific sources detailing the devastating effects that will come. This planet is facing atrocities beyond our comprehension. These are not predictions of a mad scientist in the attic, these are facts that we simply cannot keep ignoring.

However we do.

“So what? We will all be dead”, “It’s my children I feel sorry for”, or “It’s going to take hundreds of years before we see any change” and of course “there’s no proof”, these are some of the generic gems we as a people keep telling each other. We keep lying to ourselves, endlessly justifying our excessive consumerist existence, but why exactly?

Why do we keep ignoring the facts? What feasible theory is there for people not doing anything? We all fear death, we can say we don’t but we do, regularly people site the ‘fear of the unknown’ being their main hang up when considering meeting our maker but surely the fear of the unknown of what will happen to our planet if we continue to turn a blind eye, is as terrifying?

It’s already too late, the damage is done and every day gets that little bit worse, Australia is drying up, Greenland is melting, tropical storms, the strongest seen for decades ravage the southern oceans with alarming regularity and no one seems that bothered.

I know they say “what can we do?” but there is so, so much you can do. Any little effort on mass suddenly is a global effort. I know you have all heard this before but what more can be said. We must all make an effort to save our planet; there really is no excuse!

Anyway what is so damn important that you can stand by and watch it just fall apart, last time I checked we don’t have anywhere else to go. Our little emerald and sapphire coloured planet that so lovingly allows 6 billion of us to reside upon its chest, until proven other wise, is a one off phenomenon involved in something far larger and indeed greater than we can ever, even hope to understand.

Dreamers fantasize about colonies on the moon, but I’m sorry that sounds like galactic quitting talk to me. I know I’d prefer the all the intricate beauties and subtle yet astounding differences nature and indeed our planet offers so selflessly to us, over the moon any day. Inhabiting a lump of rock orbiting what our planet once was seems far too heart breaking, too disloyal.

Is the majesty, the magic and indeed the miracle of life on earth that worthless that we dismiss its cry for help along with the daily tabloid exploits of the celebrities we idolize? Something has gone horribly awry in our minds, and I know you know this!

Zemanta Pixie

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